Title: "PL/I: Structured Programming and Problem Solving" Authors: Rama Reddy and Carol Ziegler Published date: 1986 Publisher: West Publishing Price: $63.75 ISBN: 0-314-93915-6 Level: Introductory List of Chapters: 1. Introduction to Programming 2. Structured approach to PL/I 3. Data declarations and manipulation 4. Input and output instructions 5. Control structures 6. String data manipulation 7. One-dimensional arrays 8. Multidimensional arrays 9. Procedures 10. Data maintenance (stream files) 11. Structures 12. Report design 13. Storage management 14. File characteristics 15. Data maintenance (record files) 16. Indexed files 17. Regional files 18. Teleprocessing and tasking Appendix A Common character representations Appendix B Library functions Appendix C PL/I conditions Appendix D Statement formats Appendix E Answers to selected review questions Comments: A well written book covering an introduction to PL/I. How to purchase: 1-800-328-9352 (VISA/MC accepted) Contributed by Brian Madison of West Publishing, now called West Information Publishing Group. (?)