IBM OS PL/I Version 2 Library |
OS PL/I Version 2: General Information |
GC26-4313 |
Introduces you to PL/I describing what PL/I does and which of your data processing
needs it can fill. It is designed to help you evaluate PL/I for your data processing
operation and to plan for its use. |
OS PL/I Version 2: Licensed Program Specifications |
GC26-4314 |
OS PL/I Version 2: Installation and Customization under MVS |
SC26-4311 |
OS PL/I Version 2: Installation and Customization under CMS |
SC26-4312 |
OS PL/I Version 2: Programming Guide |
SC26-4307 |
Describes how to code, compile, test, and run OS PL/I programs.
Information appearing in OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler: CMS User's Guide
SC33-0037, and in OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler: TSO User's Guide,
SC33-0029 is now contained in this book. |
OS PL/I Version 2: Language Reference |
SC26-4308 |
OS PL/I Version 2: Reference Summary |
SX26-3759 |
Summarizes the OS PL/I language keywords, options, language syntax,
and PLITEST command syntax. |
OS PL/I Version 2: Using PLITEST |
SC26-4310 |
Provides both guidance and reference information on using the PLI
Interactive Test Facility (PLITEST) to test programs in a PL/I environment. |
OS PL/I Version 2: Messages and Codes |
SC26-4309 |
Lists error messages and codes that may be issued when PL/I
programs are compiled, link-edited, and run. It also includes messages and codes
issued by PLITEST. This book lists both the long and short forms of each message
where applicable, and gives explanations of messages, codes, and suggested
programmer responses. |
OS PL/I Version 2: Problem Determination |
LY27-9528 |
IBM OS PL/I(F) Version 4 Library |
IBM System/360 Operating System, PL/I(F) Language Reference Manual |
C28-8201-1 |
This publication provides the rules for writing PL/I programs that are to be
compiled using the PL/I (F) Compiler under the IBM System/360 Operating System. |
IBM System/360 Operating System, PL/I(F) Programmer's Guide |
C28-6594-7 |
This publication is a companion volume to IBM System/360 Operating System: PL/I (F) Language
Reference Manual, form C28-8201. Together the two books form a guide to the writing and execution
of PL/I programs under the control of an IBM System/360 Operating System that includes the
PL/I (F) Compiler. The Programmer's Guide is concerned with the relationship between a PL/I
program and the operating system. It explains how to compile, link edit, and execute
a PL/I program and introduces job control language, the linkage editor, and other essential
features of the operating system. |
IBM System/360 Operating System, PL/I(F) Compiler Program Logic Manual |
Y28-6800-3 |
This manual describes the internal design of the IBM System/360 Operating System
PL/I(F) Compiler. It is aimed at personnel responsible for analyzing program operations,
diagnosing malfunctions, and changing the program format for special or national language
IBM System/360 Operating System, PL/I Subroutine Library, Program Logic Manual |
Y28-6801-4 |
This publication describes the internal specifications of the PL/I Subroutine Library
as a system component of the IBM System/360 Operating System.
IBM System/360 Operating System, PL/I Subroutine Library Computational Subroutines |
C28-6590-0 |
This publication gives details of the computational subroutines available in the PL/I Library. |
Miscellaneous IBM Manuals |
IBM SAA CPI PL/I Reference |
SC26-4381 |
This book defines the SAA Programming Language/One (PL/I)
programming interface. It is intended for programmers who want to write
applications that adhere to this definition. |
An Introduction to Structured Programming in PL/I |
GC20-1777 |
This text, intended for programmers, describes and illustrates the use of
structured programming. The technique and its supporting practices are generally
described in one chapter. A reference chapter illustrates the implementation of
the technique in PL/I and is followed by a chapter presenting three sample programs.
A knowledge of PL/I is assumed. |
Student Text: A PL/I Primer |
C28-6808 |
The purpose of this publication is to provide tutorial material not only for
the person with some knowledge of computer programming, but also for the novice who knows
little or nothing about data processing. |
IBM System/360 PL/I Language Specifications |
Y33-6003-0 |
This publication is a description of the PL/I language. It does not describe
any implementation. |
Introduction to the List Processing Facilities of PL/I |
GF20-0015 |
This manual discusses and illustrates usage of PL/I facilities for organizing,
processing, and relocating data in list form.
Techniques for processing Data Lists in PL/I |
GF20-0018 |
A Guide to PL/I for FORTRAN Users |
C20-1637 |
This manual is an introductory guide to PL/I written
especially for those who have a working knowledge of
A Guide to PL/I for Commercial Programmers |
C20-1651 |
This publication presents those features of PL/I that apply to commercial
data processing. |
IBM System/360 PL/I Subset Reference Manual |
C28-8202-0 |
This publication provides the rules for writing PL/I subset programs that are to be
compiled using the PL/I D-level compiler under the IBM System/360 Disk and Tape Operating Systems.
IBM Series/1 PL/I Introduction |
GC34-0084-0 |
This publication gives general information about the Series/l PL/I Compiler. |
IBM System/360 Model 20 Disk Programming System PL/I |
C33-6007-l |
This publication provides the information required for writing and running Model 20 PL/I programs that are to be compiled and link-edited using the Model 20 PL/I
compiler under control of the IBM System/360 Model 20 Disk Programming System. |
IBM System/360 Scientific Subroutine Package (PL/I)
Program Description and Operations Manual |
GH20-0586-0 |
The System/360 Scientific Subroutine Package (SSP) (PL/I)
is a collection of mathematical and statistical subroutines
(or procedures) written in the PL/I language. |
Multics PL/I Library
Multics PL/I Language Specification |
AG94-02 |
This reference manual contains detailed information for users of the
Multics PL/I language. Contained herein are exact answers to detailed questions
concerning the syntax and semantics of PL/I.
Multics PL/I Reference Manual |
AM83 |
Provides an introduction to Multics PL/I, furnishes guidance for writing a Multics
PL/I program, and explains the relationship between Multics PL/I and the run-time
environment supplied by the Multics system.
Section 8: "PL/I Language Conventions" from
Multics System Designers' Notebook |
AN82-00 |
This section highlights the coding rules for system programs that are to be
written in the PL/I language. Recommendations for generating efficient code are
MPM Subsystem Writers' Guide |
AK92 |
Contains such detailed descriptions as the exact layout of a PL/I activation record
(stack frame), the internal format of the PL/I area, and the calling sequence
generated for a PL/I call.