PL/I As a Tool
for System Programming

by F. J. Corbató
five years
with a temporary compiler
My vantage point is that of a system designer-implementer concerned with the over-all system performance and the degree that the system reaches the goals that it was designed for. This gives me a little more detachment from the issue of whether the language is just right or not. For that reason some of my remarks will not be completely unequivocal but rather will be shaded.

The basis of the PL/I experience that I wish to talk about is mostly on the Multics system, which is being done as a cooperative project by the Bell Laboratories, the General Electric Company and Project MAC of MIT using the GE 645 computer which is derived from the GE 635. However, I am not giving an official Multics view but rather only my own opinion as a member of the design team. In fact, it's a preliminary view because it is still early to be certain that we have analyzed exactly what is happening. Further, one has to be cautious in forming final judgments on a language, even though it is already a de facto standard, since there still is a need for a great deal of diversity in the computing field so that different techniques can be evaluated.

multics plans
To understand the context in which our systems programming was done, I first have to give you a brief review of what the Multics project's goals are. A set of papers is in the 1965 Fall Joint Computer Conference Proceedings if you wish to read more detail. Briefly, we are trying to create a computer service utility. In particular, we want continuous operation of pools of identical units. We want to combine in a single complex the goals of interactive time-sharing and noninteractive batch processing. We want to combine the goals of remote and local use in one system. The system

(This article is based of a discussion presented by the author at an Air Force PL/I Seminar at Hanscom Field, Bedford, Mass., on March 5, 1968. The seminar was organized by Logicon, Inc., 255 West Fifth Street, San Pedro, Calif.

1The ideas here were developed in the course of research supported by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense, under Office of Naval Research Contract Number Nonr-4102(01).

programming problem is to develop a framework which multiplexes a large amount of equipment simultaneously and yet also allows controlled interaction and sharing between users working in concert on various problems in real time.

In short, it's a fairly ambitious project, not because of any single idea but because we're trying to tie together many ideas at once. It was our judgment that we required new hardware to meet these goals squarely and that, of course, meant that we had to write almost all of our software for ourselves, including, it turned out, even the assembler. We were able to borrow a little, but not as much as we had hoped. Thus the project began basically at a research and development level, where flexibility is needed. We wanted a small team of people, because the hardest thing to do when you're groping in an unknown area is to coordinate people. We felt strongly that we had to have maximum flexibility in our implementation.

F.J.Corbato' Dr. Corbató is professor of electrical engineering at MIT and widely noted for his pioneering work in development of multi-access systems, including Project MAC. He has written several books and articles and received the W. W. McDowell Award in 1966 for his work on time-sharing systems. He has a BS from Cal Tech and a PhD in physics from MIT.


To give you a little bit of the scale of the project, I will discuss briefly the implementation. The project began in earnest in the fall of 1964 and should lead to a usable system by this fall. This means it will take approximately five years to create a useful system. That's a long time, and I think one has to appreciate the investment of effort that goes into such a venture. If you spend five years developing something you probably try to exploit it for a period of time greater than that; thus there is clearly an underlying goal here of wanting to see the project evolve as conditions change.

The system itself is described quite tersely at the level suitable for a senior system programmer in about 4000 single-space typewritten pages in the Multics System-Programmers' Manual. The system in final form seems to project out to about 600 to 800 modules of maybe four pages of source code each on the average, or, in other words, about 3000 pages of source code. The amount of system program that's in machine code is les than 5% at the object code level; it would be even less except that the compiler did not come along early enough, so some things had to be written in machine code right away. The system projects out to about a half million 36-bit words which, loosely speaking, is the supervisor program. In operation, most of it, of course, pages out and is not resident in core, but it must exist and it is exclusive of all the languages and facilities of that sort, such as COBOL, FORTRAN , and even PL/I itself. The manpower to create the system has varied roughly in a linearly increasing way from zero to approximately 50 people over a five-year period.

compiler advantages
The next question I want to address myself to is why one uses a compiler at all to do system programming. (I'll take up next the question of why PL/I in particular, but first: why a compiler?) First, there is the ability to describe programs briefly and lucidly. Clearly, one can obfuscate one's ideas with a compiler language but it's harder. To some extent one is talking about what one wants rather than how one wants to do it.

The trouble with machine code, of course, is that when you look at a random section of machine code you don't know what properties of the instructions the programmer really wanted to exploit. On the 7094, for example, the fact that the P-bit got cleared by an instruction may or may not be germane to what the program is trying to accomplish. With a compiler language, especially the later ones, one tends to describe what one wants to accomplish in terms of a goal and let the compiler work out the specific detail. This contributes to lucidity, of course. It also gives one the chance for change and redesign, because on a system as large as the one I have just described, the only sensible attitude is to assume that the system is never finished. Although the system obviously goes through phases, one is continually improving and evolving it.

We have had this experience on CTSS, our previous timesharing system, and we know it is true. What happens is that users have expanding needs and goals as they exploit the facilities and they continually come up with wanted improvements. Certainly, the other extreme—of assuming that a computer software system is like hardware and can be designed once and for all on a one-shot basis and then left to the hands of some maintainers—I think has been shown to be a failure.

Another issue, too, in a system of the ambitiousness that we are talking about is that the software is at least three-quarters of the design work and yet it usually doesn't get started until the hardware is already firm. Thus there is a desire to speed up the implementation effort and using a compiler allows each programmer to do more per day. It's our experience that regardless of whether one is dealing with assembly language or compiler language, the number

of debugged lines of source code per day is about the same! Another point, too, is that the supervisor is the host of the user services so that the computer time spent in the supervisor is between 10% in some well-worked-out systems to maybe an extreme of 50% of the total time. Thus, if the compiler isn't generating the most efficient code, it isn't a disaster. In other words, one is dealing with code that isn't being exercised all  the time. It has to exist, it has to be right, but there is room for some clumsiness. Further, if the system is well designed, the production job will run efficiently and the supervisor will remain out of the picture.

Finally, there is the issue of technical management of programming projects: the problem of trying to maintain a system in the face of personnel turnover and in the face of varying standards of documentation. Personnel turnover is expected on a five-year project. (We didn't think it was a five-year project to begin with; we estimated about half the time.) One has to assume in most organizations somewhere between 10% and 20% turnover per year even if everybody is relatively happy. People get married, husbands are transferred, and for a variety of personal reasons, people must leave, carrying with them key know-how. Training a new person involves a minimum period of six to nine months even starting with good people, especially if you're faced with a system which has 4000 pages of description in it. You don't casually sit down and read that, even in a weekend. In fact, it's fair to say that the system is large enough that no single person can remain abreast of all parts at once. Thus there is a reasonable case for a compiler in developing large systems.

which compiler?
So the question was: What compiler to use when developing Multics? We chose PL/I. The reasons go somewhat like this. One of the key reasons that we picked the language was the fact that the object code is modular, that is, one can compile each subsection of the final program separately, clean up the syntax, and test it on an individual basis. This latter point seems obvious, perhaps, because object code modularity is in several languages, like JOVIAL, FORTRAN , or MAD but it wasn't in the ALGOL implementations available and it blocked us from considering it.

The second reason for picking PL/I was the richness of the constructs, especially the data structures and data types which we considered to be very powerful and important features. We had a task on our hands with fairly strong requirements and with unknown difficulty. We viewed the richness as a mixed blessing, however, because we certainly were a little wary of the possible consequences. But it certainly seemed the right direction to start and maybe to err on and to cut back. As I'll get to later, it was a little too rich.

Another reason for choosing PL/I was that it was roughly machine independent. Our object in doing the system has not been to compete with normal manufacturing. Instead, our object has been to explore the frontier and see how to put together effectively a system that reaches and satisfies the goals that were set out. We are trying to find out the key design ideas and communicate these to others, regardless of what system they are familiar with. Hence, a language that gets above the specific details of the hardware is certainly desirable, and PL/I does a very effective job of that. In other words, it forces one to design, not to fiddle with code. And this has turned out to be one of its strong points.

Another reason that we considered PL/I was that we thought the language would have wide support. To date it has had the support of one major manufacturer. And the final key reason for PL/I was that two persons associated with the project, especially Doug McIlroy and Robert Morris at Bell Labs, offered to make a subset of it work. In addition, a follow-on contract with a vendor was arranged for a more polished version of the compiler. This is basically why we chose PL/I. We have certainly debated, somewhat casually other choices but these were the essential reasons why we picked the language.


The subset that was implemented initially as a deliberately quick-and-dirty job was called EPL for Early PL/I. Its design characteristics went briefly as follows: It had no I/O; after all, this is a system programming language and we use the system subroutines. It had no macros except the INCLUDE macro, which worked in very smoothly with the time-sharing system, CTSS, that we were using. It had no PICTURE attributes or things of that sort which represented the COBOL  influence, except for structures, of course. It had no multi-tasking; we found the PL/I specification of this to be defective in the sense that it wasn't thought through well enough, and we certainly didn't need it for a system programming language. It had various minor restrictions, like requiring structure names to be fully qualified. No complex arithmetic, no controlled storage (you can simulate that easily), and, more importantly, no attributes such as IRREDUCIBLE, REDUCIBLE, ABNORMAL, NORMAL, USES, or SETS—those things which allow the compiler to do an optimum job of compiling the code with advice from the program; these are sophisticated and tricky attributes, incidentally—but the reason they're not there is that the compiler didn't intend to optimize anyway, so it would have ignored advice.

To emphasize the positive, the things that EPL did have were ON-conditions and signals; it did have recursive procedures—in fact the system doesn't allow any other kind easily. It did have based storage and pointer variables, and it had ALLOCATE and FREE for storage management. It had structures, as I've mentioned, it had block structures, and it had varying strings, which we regret to some extent because of implementation difficulties. In other words, it was a pretty potent subset from the point of view of language facilities.

not so temporary
The implementation, as I said earlier, was deliberately a quick-and-dirty job. It was expected to be merely a temporary tool to be soon replaced by a polished compiler from the vendor. The team consisted of McIlroy and Morris and two to four helpers. I am going to give a detailed and candid account of the events surrounding the EPL implementation because the nature of the events plus the very high qualifications of the people involved together with the difficulties encountered indicates that PL/I has intrinsic implementation problems which we did not properly anticipate. The original optimistic estimate for making EPL work was that it was going to take about six months. In spite of the dedication of the people involved, it took over 15 months to get a compiler that was barely usable. Further a lot of work went into upgrading it in the next 18 months, since the polished compiler of the vendor never materialized and the upgrading process had to be continued, notably first by Jim Gimpel and later by Barry [Wolman1]. Moreover, the EPL effort—like a gruelling relay race—wore out nearly everyone who worked on it. But to everyone's credit, the compiler works and is useful.

The language that was used to implement EPL was TMG, short for "transmogrifier," which is a language system developed by Bob McClure. It's a clever, interpretive system specifically designed for experimental language writing or syntax analysis. However, it is not easy to learn and use and, therefore, it is hard to pick up the work of somebody else written in the language.

The EPL translator was initially designed as two passes, the first one being principally a syntax analyzer and the second one basically a macro expander.

1 Wolmen in the original—PF.

The output of the second pass in turn led into an assembler which handled the specific formatting for the machine. Later a third pass was added intermediate between the first two in an attempt to optimize the object code.

The quick-and-dirtyness came through when the original language subset specs had only a single diagnostic, namely, ERROR. That has been expanded so that maybe now there are half a dozen, but the only help you get is that the message appears in the neighborhood of the statement that caused the trouble. The compile rate, which was never a major issue, turned out to be a few statements per second. It has been improved a little with time, but more critically the object code that is generated has improved to a respectable 10 instructions per executable statement. (There's obviously a large variance attached to these figures.)

The environment that the EPL compiler had to fit into is significant. First of all, we had adopted as a machine standard the full ASCII character set of 95 graphics plus control characters, so one of our first projects was trying to map a relationship with EBCDIC—the IBM standard.

We also intended to use the language in a machine with program segmentation hardware in which programs can refer to other sections of programs by name. Fortunately, we could use the $ sign as a delimiter to allow us to have two-component names. We also expected the compiler to generate pure procedure code which was capable of being shared by several users each with their own data section who might be simultaneously trying to execute the same procedure. We also wanted to establish as a normal standard, although not a required one, the use of recursive procedures by means of a stack for the call, save, and return sequence, linkage information, and automatic temporary storage. We also wanted to allow the machine to have a feature which we've called "dynamic loading" in the sense that an entire program isn't loaded per se; the first procedure is started and, as it calls on other procedures, these procedures in turn are automatically fetched by the supervisor on an as-needed basis rather than on a pre-request basis. This, of course, is in conflict with any language which allows storage to be pre-declared by the INITIAL specification within any possible module that is ever used by the program. (This problem also comes up in FORTRAN.)

We also had a feature in the machine, which we call segment addressing that allows one to talk about a data segment without having to read it in through input/output; rather, one merely references it and the supervisor gets it for one through the file system. In other words, we were trying to design a host system capable of supporting software constructs which make it easier for people to write software subsystems.

environmental problems
In this rather sophisticated environment, one of the problems was that much of the time was spent finishing the design of the compiler so as to implement the mating of the language constructs with the environment. The things that caused trouble were the SIGNAL and ON conditions, which are relatively tricky ideas and which clash head on with faults and interrupts. The call, save, and return conventions had to be mated into the standards of the system. Problems of non-local GO TO's and the releasing of temporary storage which has been invoked had to be licked. Most of these problems are implications of the language if one thinks it through, for the language has a lot of assumptions in it about what kind of environment it is going to be in.

There are also little subtleties, like when you're talking about strings of characters and operators, what is the role of control characters, i.e., codes without graphic representation such as backspace, when encountered in strings. There are also obvious difficulties in that the language doesn't discuss any protection mechanisms, a feature that every system must have to implement a supervisor-user relationship. Thus there needed to be some additional modifications made to the compiler to make that work out.


And then there are strategy problems within the implementation, such as how you're going to implement internal blocks and internal functions. These also took some time to work out and were one of the principal reasons why the compiler implementation was slow going. Further, it was done simultaneously and in parallel with the system design. I would say with hindsight that we didn't put enough effort into trying to coordinate the two. The reason we did not was that to a first approximation we felt that the language implementation was decoupleable from the main project. That was a useful thing in the early days, but as we came home toward the finish line in the design, it began to haunt us that we hadn't worked out some of these interface ideas more carefully, and we had to pay the price of redesign in various parts.

One preliminary conclusion we draw from the above experience is that PL/I went too far in specifying the exact environment. There are a lot of ideas that should be subroutines and not part of the language. I don't mean that they shouldn't be thought through, but to think them through is not the same as putting them in the syntax of the compiler. In particular, things like SIGNAL and ON conditions could indeed be implemented as subroutine calls and be part of the environment of the host system. I don't think they belong in the language per se, although if one makes the language embrace a standard subroutine library, then I, of course, agree.

I'll say very little about the vendor's compiler. They estimated it would take 12 to 18 months. After approximately 24 months we stopped expecting anything useful to appear. One of the principal reasons they failed was that there was a gross underestimation of the work, by a factor of three to five, and it was impossible to mount a larger effort by the time the underestimation became evident. Thus, the pioneering EPL has become the standard system-programming compiler.

Let me talk next about the use we made of the PL/I language. A strong point, we felt, is the ability to use long names which were more descriptive. People still get cryptic, but they're not nearly as cryptic as they were. The full ASCII character set is a strong point because we wanted to deal with a well-engineered human interface. The structures and the data types, as I mentioned earlier, we consider to be one of the strongest assets (this perhaps comes as no surprise to COBOL users but this feature is very important when you're trying to design data bases). The POINTER variable and based storage concept, along with ALLOCATE and FREE have been pivotal and crucial, and have been used extensively. Some of the features like SIGNAL and ON conditions, which have cost us a lot of grief, at least in principle, have been very graceful ways of smoothly and uniformly handling the overflow conditions and the like, which suddenly trap you down in the guts of the supervisor. In previous systems we have always had the quandary of how to allow the user to supply his own condition handlers in a convenient way. We're not sure the price isn't perhaps too high, but the mechanism does look good.

Another point about PL/I, that is perhaps obvious, is that the conditional statements that are straight out of ALGOL are very valuable.

reduced errors
Over-all, the general result that we got from using PL/I was a rather small number of programming errors (after a programmer learns the ropes), in fact, a sufficiently small number that one of our major sources of residual trouble is that a lot of bugs have been caused by mismatched declarations, getting parameters in a calling sequence inverted, getting argument types in calls mixed up, all clerical errors

in which the language gives you no help and our implementation doesn't either. In fact, this is a defect in the language in the sense that the independence of separate compilations has left a gap in the checking of types. (Sometimes programmers have used mismatched declarations for gimmicky convenience or efficiency although we have tried to avoid it because it obviously destroys machine independence.) We also found that skillful system programmers who know the machine well don't want to work in machine language because they make too many mistakes. This condition is aggravated because in modifying the machine we retrofitted a lot of involved ideas onto a somewhat ornate order code. Regardless of the reason, however, we find that programmers would rather get things done than twiddle bits.

A major effect of the use of PL/I has been that we have been able to make major strategy changes which are really vast redesigns. One example occurred in the management of the high-speed drum that did most of the paging. The program that did this was reworked, quite a while ago, when some insight developed which allowed a tremendous amount of bookkeeping to be eliminated. The amount of code that was involved dropped from 50,000 words to 10,000 words. The total rework was done in less than a month (although not completely checked out because the person wasn't working full time on it).

A second example of redesign occurred in the area of a special high-strung I/O controller which has all kinds of conventions and specialized aspects. The first cut of the control program design was a little rich; it ended up involving around 65,000 words of code. After people finished debugging it and recovered their breath, they took a closer look at it and saw that by cutting out maybe 10% of the features and changing some of the interfaces and specifications they could streamline it. Two good men working very hard did the reworking in less that two months. The two months were peak effort, but they did do it. The program basically shrunk in half, down to 30,000 words and it runs about five or ten times faster in critical places.

This kind of redesign is invaluable and in many key areas of the system has occurred several times. It gives one the mobility that one is after. It may be true for the use of nearly any compiler—I'm not trying to argue that this is exclusively a PL/I attribute—but this is the experience we're getting. Another example was a major change in the system strategy of handling "own data" sections, which we call linkage sections. We were keeping them as individual segments but we reorganized things so that they were all combined into a single segment because some of our initial design assumptions had not been correct. This reworking was done in the period of a month. The change was serial to the main line of project development, so that it was a rather important period of time to minimize.

object code
Now, there's another side of the coin, namely, object code performance. At present the comparison to hand code seems in the vicinity of two times worse and is largely because the compiler cannot optimize very well. A lot of redundant expressions are being calculated; this is especially true with based storage and pointers where it is easy to build up fairly elaborate expressions to access a variable and then at the next occurrence repeat the calculation.

Finally, and this is perhaps the one shocking note that should be taken with some caution, we find that a typical good system programmer produces on his first try EPL-generated object code which is perhaps 5 to 10 times as poor as hand code. I think this is the main problem with PL/I, because a factor of 5 or 10 at the wrong places can sink the system. The reason for the factor of 5 or 10 seems to be principally that programmers don't always realize the mechanisms they are triggering off when they write something down.


The usual pattern when one writes a program is to think of four or five ways that one can write out a part of an algorithm and to pick one of them on the basis of knowing which way works out best.

What has happened is that people are too detached. For example, if you use a 1-bit string for a Boolean variable, it turns out in our particular implementation you generate a lot more machinery than if you'd used a fixed integer. Similarly, varying strings carry a fairly stiff price tag in our present implementation (although ways are known to improve matters a little), and they must be used with caution. Occasionally, too, we've had mishaps where the machine independence works against us in the sense that a man declares an array of repeating 37-bit elements and the compiler dutifully does it, straddling [word2] boundaries mercilessly, The best we've been able to do so far is to get the compiler to at least remark on the object code, listing the word "IDIOTIC." There may be other reasons for the factor of 5 to 10—such as language learning time— but we do not consider them important. Other issues, such as the 10 to 1 variation in ability among programmers of similar experience discussed in an article by Sackman, Erickson and Grant in the January 1968 Communications, I think can be discounted in out case. Our technical management has been thin, but we have kept careful track of the individual programmers so that mismatches with work assignments have been minimized.

With regard to remedial measures for upgrading the system one must remember that most of the code in the supervisor doesn't matter; it's not being used most of the time so the key thing is program strategy. I don't have time to discuss here how we localize the parts of the code which are the functionally important parts, but a segmented machine pays off handsomely. Meanwhile we are learning trade-offs between different supervisor mechanisms. In addition we are trying to develop checklists of things to avoid in the language. It turns out to be rather hard to get people to generalize so it is slow going. On a long-range basis GE is developing plans for an optimizing compiler, but it isn't going to help us right away. We are also studying on a preliminary basis smaller subsets of PL/I with perhaps modifications and changes to the language so that the implementation is more uniformly potent—or impotent, depending on how you look at it. That is, the user would be constrained to a language which would implement well regardless of whether he takes one choice or another. And finally, there are some coding tricks that might have helped if we had thought of them sooner.

another problem
One of the key problems in our use of PL/I has been that the programmer doesn't have feedback. If he had, say, a time and space estimate on each statement that he writes, given back by the compiler, and if he were in an interactive environment developing the program (i.e., he could get quick return on his compilations), he might be able to form some intuition about what he's doing. To implement such estimates is not a trivial problem, because a lot of the mechanisms that are invoked are shared, so that there needs to be a way of designing the shared mechanisms and showing why they are included.

As a last resort in improving supervisor performance we can always go to machine language on any supercritical module. But this isn't a panacea, because it is easy to be swamped if one tries to put too much in machine language and moreover one has lost mobility. (Going to machine language should be compared to parachuting out of an airplane.)

2 work in the original—PF.

One of the big advantages that one might expect from the use of PL/I as a system programming language is the ability to transfer software from one operating system to another. However if you get totally wrapped up with an operating system which is peculiar to a particular set of hardware you're trapped. You're just going to have to rework it on another machine. It's a long-range goal, as yet unachieved, to minimize this problem. We've considered the problem some because one of the obvious questions that arises when you have a system which has been largely implemented in PL/I is: Could you put it on another machine? The answer is "Yes," although I think it's still at the level of a "technical challenge" even with similar hardware. To do it one would have to go through and modify and edit all the programs to make it come out just right. There are also some strategy changes required, probably, unless one actually built an identical machine. Nevertheless, such a task is still preferable to having to start all over, writing off as a total loss the ideas and efforts of several years; this is the alternative to working in a compiler language for system programming. I don't really see how there's going to be any progress in the field until we stop killing off our system children.

Finally, I have a few general conclusions. I think that in the language area there has been considerable swinging of the pendulum. FORTRAN was the first compiler with any widespread use and it suffered because it wasn't systematic to implement and was somewhat clumsy to use. It was, however, a practical language. ALGOL was, in a sense, a reaction, but it suffered because it left out the environment and didn't come to grips very squarely with the implementation. PL/I, in effect, is a reaction against ALGOL's not having considered the environment, but it suffers from being designed without well-formed plans for systematic implementation. The notion of "systematic" is important because without it the cost of implementation, the speed of the compiler and the quality of the object code may be off by factors of 10 or 100. Nevertheless, I admire the PL/I design effort and consider it valuable because it has inspired language experts to try harder; in effect, it has set as goals what is wanted. The fact that the language has not been implemented well by anyone, I consider to be an object lesson. Nevertheless, techniques for mastering the problems are being found. In addition, people are beginning to think of ways of accomplishing the same functional characteristics without the same internal problems. One of the ways is to try to minimize the language syntax and to think through more carefully what is the subroutine library.

Future languages will come and they'll be beneficial, too, but PL/I is here now and the alternatives are still untested. Furthermore, I think it is clear that our EPL implementation is going to squeak by, and in the long run the Multics project will be ahead because of having used it rather than one of the older languages.

Now the last question, which I think is a tough one: If we had to do it all over again would we have done the same thing? I'm not totally sure of my answer; I just don't know. We certainly would have designed the language more carefully as part of the system; that was something we didn't pay enough attention to. If it was EPL or a PL/I again we would have tried to strip it down more. With hindsight we would have modified it to some extent to make sure that it could have been implemented well. If it were another language, we would have tried to beef it up with things such as are in PL/I, and maybe modified it. Either course of action takes a lot of design time, and that's the dilemma: in effect, one wants one's cake and one wants to eat it, too. I think the decision probably hinges on whether or not one is trying to meet a deadline. I would probably use FORTRAN to meet a firm deadline. But if I'm trying to solve a problem with a future, I think I would use either PL/I or its functional equivalent—and the choice will have to be answered in the future.


Reprinted from Datamation, 6 May, 1969; 68-76. with permission of the author.
Pagination and columniation have been retained from the original except for minor changes to eliminate widows.
I apologize for the quality of the photo; it's a reduction of a scan of a poor-quality photocopy.
Thanks to The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, Editor Denis Howe, for some definitions.
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